Calling Islam a religion of peace is like calling the Nazis a political party of peace!
Shalom and welcome to my Messianic Judaism discussion blog! I want this to be THE place where Messianics can come together and discuss what's on their heart. Spread the word about this blog and let's all work together to bring unity to the Body! Shalom!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Muhammad: Messenger of Peace or Mass Murderer of Jews?
There's really nothing more disgusting than when people say "Islam is a religion of peace." The author of Islam was a psychopathic mass-murderer who was responsible for beheading nine hundred Jews!
Islamic Domination of Temple Mount Must End
"I believe in the back of their minds they know the truth, they know they are squanderers, they know they stole from us, they know that the Islamic period on the Temple Mount will be over.....[I can't promise that it will be possible to build the Temple in a peaceful way]. Our enemies only understand strength," --Yehuda Etzion
When any rational person stops to think for a moment and asks, "Out of all possible locations in the world, why did the Islamists construct mosques on the top of Mount Moriah, the location of the ancient Jewish Temple?"
The world thinks things on the Temple Mount are tense now? CLICK HERE FOR LINK
The world has no idea what's about to happen.
Not only are there plenty of Jews in Israel who desire to reclaim Mount Moriah for G-d (CLICK HERE FOR LINK), there are supporters all over the world.
I've been feeling something for the last week and I'm curious if anyone else has felt anything. Maybe it's just me...
Or maybe the age of Islamic Domination of the Temple Mount is reaching its end.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Vanhoff and Hegg Devote Entire Show to My "Open Letter" Post
Just got done listening to the Rob and Caleb Show #48 (LINK). They get to topic at the 13 minute mark and spend the next hour responding to my "Open Letter" post.
To Rob and Caleb: thanks for the great discussion! If we weren't separated by 3 thousand miles, I'd insist that we all have a beer and talk some Torah.
For others who haven't heard show #48...
In my open letter post I expressed puzzlement that Caleb indicated he believed that One Law (or "One Torah" if one prefers) was not a Judaism. After all, I suggested, the one thing that all Judaisms have in common is their core conceptual model for Law: the foundational idea that Mosaic Law is controlling.
The guys, while agreeing with my assertion that One Law is a Judaism (and, interestingly, I'm told that Tim Hegg also agrees with me), nevertheless have some reservations about using that term.
First let me back up: why should any of this even matter? It matters because how we define our faith, how we conceptualize it, answers the question "Who does what and why?" It informs our social identity in relation to other social groups and why we do the things we do. So names are important. It's important for Messianics to understand whether they are a Christianity or a Judaism--this affects belief and practice.
So the guys have some reservations. Caleb brought up the point that Reform Jews seem to defeat my definition of Judaism as a conceptual model that views Torah as controlling. After all, Reform Jews seem to have no problem ordering unkosher food, etc. So it sounds kind of absurd to say that Reform Jews view Torah as controlling. In other words, Caleb seems to be saying that my definition may need to be refined because there are Judaisms such as Reform Judaism that do not view Mosaic Torah as controlling.
I have just 2 brief points in response:
The definition I'm using for the purposes of comparative religion analysis is purely descriptive rather than prescriptive. This definition merely describes sociological commonalities between the Judaisms. This definition does not seek to define the "One True Judaism" (although such a definition might be useful in other contexts).
Second, Reform Jews are for the Torah in a social collective sense. For example, the Statement of Principles for Reform Judaism (Pittsburgh Convention) says this:
"We affirm that Torah is the foundation of Jewish life."
Yes, you'll see Reform Rabbis eating pork hot dogs at ball games. But here's the thing: at the baseball stadium, you might catch a glimpse of a Reform rabbi eating a Ball Park frank; but when that same rabbi is at Shul, you will never see him (or her) eating anything that appears blatantly unkosher.
Maybe not the best Judaism--but still a Judaism.
Anyway, great discussion. G-d bless everyone over at Torah Resource.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Responding to Derek Leman on the Idea That Torah Can Be Divided Into Moral and Non-Moral Laws
Just read Derek's post from 10/27/14 entitled "Moral Law, Revealed Torah, Noah" (LINK).
The idea that Torah can be divided into Moral and non-Moral laws is ridiculous. All one needs to do is stop for just a moment to define the term "moral." Simply put, a moral is a "good." But obviously when man tries to decide on his own what is good (what is "moral") without reference to an objective standard (i.e. Revealed Torah), the result is moral relativism.
So you must have the Revealed Torah. But, according to Derek, Gentiles must pick out only the Moral laws--those are the only laws binding on Gentiles.
So a Gentile must divide Torah into good and non-good laws? Absurd!
Why isn't anyone calling him out on this absurdity?
The idea that Torah can be divided into Moral and non-Moral laws is ridiculous. All one needs to do is stop for just a moment to define the term "moral." Simply put, a moral is a "good." But obviously when man tries to decide on his own what is good (what is "moral") without reference to an objective standard (i.e. Revealed Torah), the result is moral relativism.
So you must have the Revealed Torah. But, according to Derek, Gentiles must pick out only the Moral laws--those are the only laws binding on Gentiles.
So a Gentile must divide Torah into good and non-good laws? Absurd!
Why isn't anyone calling him out on this absurdity?
Quote of the Day
This actually comes from FFOZ's white paper entitled "Divine Invitation: An Apostolic Call to Torah":
"[FFOZ no longer ignores the] distinction between Jewish people and Gentile believers.... [Separate Paragraph]...some believe that we blur the line of distinction between Jewish and Gentile believers. Sometimes it does but I believe that can be good."
Friday, October 24, 2014
Open Letter to Caleb Hegg (and Anyone Else Who Doubts That One Law is Not a Judaism)
I was listening to the Rob and Caleb Show #47 (LINK) and was a little puzzled by something Caleb Hegg said. And this ties into my previous post. He essentially indicated that he believes that the Messianic Faith is not a Judaism.
Now why might he believe that?
Remember from my last post that I suggested that the key distinctive between Judaism and non-Judaism is the conceptual model for law/authority. The Judaic distinctive is, broadly speaking, a belief that the Law of Moses is still controlling.
But doesn't Caleb Hegg agree with this premise?
Indeed, he seems to agree that the Law of Moses is controlling. So his reluctance to be grouped with Judaism is probably based on his belief that there is no level of Rabbinic Authority whatsoever.
But I would respectfully submit to Mr. Hegg that Karaite Judaism also believes that there is no level of Rabbinic Authority and yet Karaite Judaism is still considered a Judaism! And why? Because they do feel on some level that the Law of Moses is still controlling.
So let's embrace it already! We believe and practice a Judaism. Is this really so surprising? Our Messiah is a Jew after all. : )
Love and respect to Caleb Hegg, he does good work for the Body.
Blessings and Shalom,
The Conceptual Difference Between Christianity (e.g. Jews for Jesus) and Messianic Judaism
Some random philosophical thoughts from the last few days...
I've been thinking about Neusner's suggestion that each religious system has three basic components and what each component means and how they interrelate:
(1) Way of Life;
(2) World View;
(3) Theory of Social Entity.
How do these components arise and work together? I've come to understand that a World View is a bundle of conceptual models that one uses to understand the world and answer life's big questions. It's also the basis for the other two components.
How does this apply to us Messianics? Does it help us at all?
I think so...
When we stop to realize that our view of Torah (which belongs to the component of World View and more specifically the conceptual model that describes systems of authority/law) affects virtually all aspects of our world view (What is the right way to live? What is good/bad? Where do I come from and what is my destiny? What is the nature of reality? Is there more than the material universe? Does G-d love me? How can I have a good relationship with G-d? etc, etc), and affects even the other two components--our way of life and our theory of the religious social entity to which we belong--it becomes apparent that one's view of Torah (view of Law) is the key distinctive of a religious system.
So what is the conceptual difference between Christianity and Judaism (as broad religious systems)?
THE CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR LAW (as part of World View).
Christianity rejects the Law of Moses. And that's why Christian groups like Jews for Jesus, as one example, are so deceptive. Affiliate groups of Jews for Jesus say that Torah is abolished as law:
And keep in mind that Jews for Jesus specifically identify as Christian:
I've been thinking about Neusner's suggestion that each religious system has three basic components and what each component means and how they interrelate:
(1) Way of Life;
(2) World View;
(3) Theory of Social Entity.
How do these components arise and work together? I've come to understand that a World View is a bundle of conceptual models that one uses to understand the world and answer life's big questions. It's also the basis for the other two components.
How does this apply to us Messianics? Does it help us at all?
I think so...
When we stop to realize that our view of Torah (which belongs to the component of World View and more specifically the conceptual model that describes systems of authority/law) affects virtually all aspects of our world view (What is the right way to live? What is good/bad? Where do I come from and what is my destiny? What is the nature of reality? Is there more than the material universe? Does G-d love me? How can I have a good relationship with G-d? etc, etc), and affects even the other two components--our way of life and our theory of the religious social entity to which we belong--it becomes apparent that one's view of Torah (view of Law) is the key distinctive of a religious system.
So what is the conceptual difference between Christianity and Judaism (as broad religious systems)?
THE CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR LAW (as part of World View).
Christianity rejects the Law of Moses. And that's why Christian groups like Jews for Jesus, as one example, are so deceptive. Affiliate groups of Jews for Jesus say that Torah is abolished as law:
"We believe the Law of Moses as a rule of life has been fulfilled in the Messiah and therefore believers are no longer under its' obligation or condemnation," (from:
And keep in mind that Jews for Jesus specifically identify as Christian:
"Regardless of what anyone says, we are Jews in that we are physically descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. At the same time we are also Christians—those who believe in and follow Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. One classification does not cancel out the other, even though rabbis like to teach that Judaism and Christianity are mutually exclusive categories and hence are antithetical to one another," (from:
There's the key distinctive between, say, Messianic Judaism and Christianity:
The Christian conceptual model for law is specifically against the Law of Moses (this is anti-Judaism).
The Messianic conceptual model for law (broadly speaking) is FOR the Law of Moses.
Wish I had more time to write this morning but I'm already running late!
Okay, one last thought--sorry to ramble but I was up all night--groups like FFOZ and UMJC essentially teach Judaism to Messianic Jews and Christianity to Gentile Believers!! They're preaching two oppositional religious systems!
I'm late--bye!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
A Dialogue Between G-d and an Insolent Man About Sabbath-Keeping (Short Fiction Inspired by Pyles' Latest Post)
Man: I'm a Gentile. I don't need to keep Shabbat, right? I mean, you don't really care, do you?
G-d: "...keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me and take hold of my covenant," [Isaiah 56:4]
Man: Well maybe it pleases you...but what's in it for a Gentile like me?
G-d: "...the sons of the strangers...that keep the Sabbath..them will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my House of Prayer..." [Isaiah 56:6-7]
Man: For your information, I have it on good authority from First Fruits of Zion, makers of very religious and very pretty looking books, that I'm not required to keep Shabbat. So I'm quite sure that all Gentiles, whether sabbath-keepers or sabbath-desecraters, can go to your House and be joyful.
G-d: "...all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it...these I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my House of Prayer."
Sunday, October 19, 2014
The last time this happened was in the first century, during the Second Temple period. It occurred during the Festival of Sukkot. On the seventh day of Sukkot, a priest would take a golden pitcher down to the pool of Siloam (which means salvation) ("We will gather waters from the wells of salvation," Isaiah 12:3). He would dip the pitcher, allowing it to fill up to the brim. Then he would go up to the altar in the Temple, circle the altar seven times, then pour both the "waters of salvation" upon the altar (which was actually a blend of wine and water).
What does it mean?
We read in John about Yeshua's death on the cross:
"34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. 35 The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe. 36 These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: 'Not one of his bones will be broken,' 37 and, as another scripture says, 'They will look on the one they have pierced,'" (John 19:34-37)
This gush of water brought on by pericardial or pleural effusion (or both) represents the water of the Holy Spirit which makes us clean:
"There shall be a fountain opened for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to cleanse them from sin and uncleanliness," (Zech. 13:1)
"I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols," (Ezekiel 36:25)
"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.' But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Yeshua was not yet glorified," (John 7:37-39)
But the water also mixed with blood and would've appeared like the mixture of wine and water used by the priest on Sukkot VII. What does the blood signify?
This is the blood of the REAL Passover Lamb, the blood that takes away the sins of the world. The Passover lamb could not have any of its bones broken:
"It must be eaten inside the house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones," (Exodus 12:46)
And the Messiah would thus not have any of his bones broken:
"He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken," (Psalm 34:20)
And one day Israel will mourn for this pierced yet unbroken Messiah:
"10 'And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit[a] of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son," (Zech. 12:10)Something else illustrative used to happen in the first century during the Second Temple period. For the seven days of Sukkot the priests erected seventy-five foot candlesticks in the Temple!
"The Lord is my light and my salvation," (Psalm 27:1)And these lights were extinguished on the eighth day of Sukkot (which is really Shemini Atzeret). Why were these lights extinguished? Are we meant to live in the dark in the Olam Haba?
"No longer will you have the sun for light by day, nor for brightness will the moon give you light; but you will have the LORD for an everlasting light, and your God for your glory. Your sun will no longer set, nor will your moon wane; for you will have the LORD for an everlasting light, and the days of your mourning will be over," (Isaiah 60:19-20)This reminds of the Sukkot when the transfiguration occurred and Yeshua's face shined like the sun:
"Six days later Yeshua took with Him Peter and James and John His brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking to Him. Then answered Peter, and said unto Yeshua, "Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, I will make three booths here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah," (Matt. 17:1-4).May the eyes of all Israel be opened in our day, that they may see the one whom we pierced, and mourn for him as one mourns for an only child! May all Israel turn to the Torah, our Light, our Water, our Salvation!
Friday, October 17, 2014
Netanyahu's Speech at the U.N. (VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT)
This speech was perfect...almost. He says the threat is militant Islam. However, Islam has been militant since its inception. Islam will never be peaceful because Allah is not the Prince of Peace. Rather, Allah is a demonic force who wants to destroy the People of Israel, all those who follow the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Still, Netanyahu's speech was very informative:
Still, Netanyahu's speech was very informative:
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Beyond the Bare Text: Understanding John Chapters 7 and 8 in Light of the Ancient Historical Context of Sukkot VII (Hoshana Rabba) and Shemini Atzeret
Recently I watched a little of a video lecture given by Shaye Cohen at Harvard in which he said something to the effect of:
"If you're just reading the bare text then I would respectfully submit to you that you aren't going to understand what you're reading."
He of course meant that the average lay person needs annotations in order to grasp the meaning of a passage in light of its ancient historical context.
This is definitely true of John chapters 7 and 8.
How could anyone even begin to understand these chapters without knowing such things as (1) the timeline of the Jewish Festivals; (2) the rituals being performed in the 2nd Temple during Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret; (3) the rationales for said rituals, many of which come from the Book of Isaiah.
So, with that in mind, here's a nice little excerpt from a book by Jacob Keegstra entitled "God's Prophetic Feasts":
"We have seen that on the Feast of Tabernacles the Hallel is recited, specifically its final words from Psalm 118. Now, on the eighth day, the circle around it is read, namely Psalm 117 and Psalm 119," (pg. 78).
[Peter's One-Law Note: the Bible compares Torah to light and water. Light because it says "Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, a Light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105). Water because it says "Let my teaching fall like rain"(etc). In John 7:37-39, Yeshua, referencing Isaiah, said "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink." The quoted passage (Isaiah 55) says that G-d will also summon foreign nations to these waters of Torah. And Zechariah says that the nations who fail to observe Sukkot will have no rain! The deeper meaning of course is that they can't have the rain (i.e. teachings of Torah) if they're not present at Jerusalem to hear the teachings of Torah being taught by the King]
"Jesus spent the Feast of Tabernacles in a special manner. He did not openly go the feast, but secretly, incognito. Only halfway through the feast did He go to the Temple to teach the people, arriving in the middle of the feast. So He accentuated the fact that He is the centre and focal point of the feast.
As we have seen already, each day of the feast a priest would go to the Pool of Siloam, the sent one, to fill a golden jar with water; this water had to be poured out before the altar in the courtyard. During the water ceremony, the people would pray, 'I will pour water on the thirsty land', and sing the Hallel.
On the last day, the Great Day of the Feast, Hosha'ana Raba, Jesus returned to the Temple and when the water was poured out He called out 'If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, streams of living water will flow from within him'. Here, water symbolizes being refreshed by the Holy Spirit, who was to be poured out after Jesus' transfiguration. It is significant that Jesus spoke these words about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the Feast of Tabernacles. He came to the feast in secret, but He spoke these words in public, before the entire nation, as a prophecy that the Holy Spirit was to come. The OT has always connected water with the Spirit of God. Jesus confirmed the OT promises that the Holy Spirit was to come.
On Shemini Atzeret, the eighth day of the feast, Jesus said He is the light of the world. The passage starts with, 'When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said', which ties in with His previous observation on the living water. The context of this observation is clearly that the Feast of Tabernacles. John 8:12 indicates what happened following the ceremony of the drawing of water. Lamps were lit at the Temple Square, as a sign that God caused his face to shine upon his people for deliverance and hope for future redemption.
The Talmud too describes a sustained process of drawing water until the lamps are lit on the Temple Square. The ceremonies of the water drawing and the lamp lighting are associated with the Exodus and the hope for a second Exodus. Just as God's Shekinah illuminated the people on their way to the Promised Land, light is a sign of divine activity.
We find the symbolism of the Temple lights in Isaiah, Chapters 2 and 9. It is remarkable that Jesus referred to them and declared, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life'.
On Simchat Torah, Jesus healed a man blind from birth, as a visible sign that He really is the light of the world. Jesus sent the blind man to the Pool of Siloam, meaning Sent. In due time, Jesus himself would be revealed as the Siloam, the Sent One, the Anointed, the Messiah.
What Jesus did during this Feast is a foretaste of what, from a prophetic point of view, He will do in the last days, when the eyes of our hearts will be enlightened with the knowledge of God. The feast is the sign of the Enlightenment that will enable our eyes to see the light of the world.
During the water-drawing ceremony the priest pours both water and wine before the altar of the Lord. Compare this with what happened at Calvary, when at Jesus' death both water and blood (wine) appeared.
Can this be compared with living water?" (pgs 82-86).
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Judaism or Jewishism: Re-examining Stuart Dauermann's Criteria For Messianic "Judaism" in Light of His Recent Rant About Messianic "Jewishism"
As everyone in the Messianic world knows by now, Stuart Dauermann recently had a meltdown online ("the rant") and called out non-Jews for "taking Jewish treasures" [] "without so much as an 'excuse me'."
What is precise nature of this accusation, that non-Jews in the Messianic movement are not involved in Messianic Judaism but rather Messianic Jewishism?
"The Rant" contains some clues:
(1) the "Jewish treasures" belong to Jews exclusively. These are presumably articles such as the Tallit and Tefillin. But given that he uses the phrase "covenant markers" then we can also include the Moedim and Kashrut. Everything really.
(2) But once a non-Jew converts and becomes, in Dauermann's eyes, a Jew then suddenly (magically) it's completely permissible for a non-Jew to take on "Jewish treasures."
But what is the actual criteria for Messianic Judaism in Dauermann's view?
He says this in a post from 2011:
"According to Jacob Neusner, for a religion to call itself a “Judaism,” it must embody three components:
[1] The foundational place of Torah as revealed to Moses at Sinai, together with other religious documents in addition;
[2] the belief that its adherents throughout time and in all places are part of that “Israel” that God constituted as a royal priesthood and a holy nation at Sinai; and
[3] a commitment to live in accordance with Torah as the foundation of the distinctive lifestyle of the people claiming this “Judaism” as their own.
- In common with other Jews, we claim as our own not only the Torah but also the rest of the Tanakh [commonly called the Old Testament]. But, uniquely, we also regard the B’rith Khadasha [also known as the New Covenant Scriptures] as our Scriptures.
- In common with all other Jews, we see ourselves as part of that people who stood with Moses at Sinai, “a royal priesthood and a holy nation.” But uniquely, we see non-Jews who embrace Yeshua as Messiah as our spiritual kindred, brothers and sisters to whom we owe honor and respect not as strangers, but as family. We recognize that we all stand to benefit as we learn from each another, while continuing to honor our distinct callings in the purposes of God.
- We live out our commitment to a Torah-based lifestyle, as do other forms of Judaism, within the context of being part of this people. Therefore, the Jewish tradition is ours to embrace and to interpret, but not ours to jettison. To do so is to separate from that people of whom we claim to be a part, and of whom we must be a part, rooted at Sinai, if we are to indeed be a Judaism.
- Of course, informing all of these areas of uniqueness is our conviction that Yeshua of Nazareth is the Messiah of whom Moses, the Prophets and the Writings spoke. Although this is certainly not the majority view of Jewish people, we remain committed both to what is uniquely ours as Messianic Jews and to the heritage we share in common with all who claim Torah, Judaism and the Jewish people as their own." FROM:
I think most Messianic non-Jews would agree with Neusner's three elements listed above and consider themselves as part of Messianic Judaism because they feel they (1) view Torah as foundational (2) believe that they are part of Israel and (3) are committed to the distinctive lifestyle that Torah entails (even if they don't fully understand it yet).
The real issue then is who belongs to the covenant of Israel? And how does this initiation occur? Dauermann says initiation occurs via ritual circumcision. The Scriptures indicate it occurs via faith/grace.
What are your thoughts? Do you agree/disagree with Dauermann? Why? Why not?
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
The Nassarah: The Arabic Letter "N" Being Used to Mark Christians for Torture and Rape by ISIS
For the sake of our Brothers and Sisters in ISIS-controlled territories, please read the following articles:
Monday, October 6, 2014
Virginia Has Fallen: Gay Marriages Commenced Today
For years, Virginia, like all other States, has set itself up as G-d, presuming to have the authority to regulate the institution of marriage. So now Virginia, continuing this illegitimate authority, has distorted the institution of marriage once again and given its blessing to same sex unions.
So add this to the list of evils for which G-d will judge America. Make no mistake: these are the last days.
Stewart Dauermann Loses It, Uses Choice Language In Anti-One-Law Facebook Post [WARNING: SOME LANGUAGE]
ATTENTION MESSIANIC NON-JEWS: Your adherence to the way of life practiced by Yeshua is killing Stewart Dauermann. Why can't you just go back to church and be good Christians who hate Torah?
I'd better hurry up and post Dauermann's rant before it gets deleted from "the internets." Here you are:
"We pause for a rant about what I term “Messianic Jewishism.”
If we ignore Paul’s teaching in Galatians and elsewhere we can get the Bible to say what we want. But no one seems to give a damn about how the privileges God gave to Israel are just being grabbed by others on their own terms, without so much as an “Excuse me.” Paul says this for example, “They are Israelites, and to them **belong** the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises. To them **belong** the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.” (Romans 9:3-5 ESV)
The religion we see developing in some corners of the MJ movement is NOT Messianic judaism because there is NO respect for the priority of the Jewish people in His covenantal purposes for Israel. What we have is a new religion which I call Messianic Jewishism. These are congregations that practice a kind of Judaism-lite, but by design, not really a Judaism, but a community with enough Jewish religious cultural flavoring for everyone in the fellowship to embrace it, enjoy it, practice it. It’s really Protestant Christianity with a tallis, and it is not Messianic JUDAISM but rather Messianic Jewishism. Messianic Judaism requires a deeper adherence to the communal boundaries and covenantal markers *given to* and *reserved for* the Jewish people. As I said, SOME people are grabbing whatever they can on their own terms using these things as they see fit, feeling absolutely entitled on the basis of their questionable interpretations of certain Bible verses, but with NO respect for the Jewish people who have given their blood for thousands of years to protect this patrimony given them by God.
If people wanted to convert, that would be something else. There is a responsible process whereby people can take on the covenantal calling of the Jewish people irrevocably and hook line and sinker. But this does NOT involve the kind of pirating of Jewish treasures which we see all around us, and the strange distortions of Jewish life, all done with a sense of entitlement because the people in question have a BIble verse that “entitles” them. And if you say “What do you think you are doing?” you will be accused of being a bigot and anti-gentile, neither of which is true. One can be pro-Jewish without being anti-gentile.
NO ONE IS SAYING that gentiles can’t touch, handle, taste Jewish things, But there is a conspicous failure to pay due respect to the fact that such are asking to handle Jewish treasures given to the JEWS by God.
I am NOT anti-gentile, but does ANYONE understand what I am saying?"
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Messianic Praise!
Yom Kippur is difficult.
And yet it's good to see that Yeshua loves us even though we are filthy and flawed. He is our righteousness, the merit that we could never earn by ourselves.
On Erev Yom Kippur, I was feeling low and my wife opened her Bible and it "just happened" to open to the Yom Kippur portion of Isaiah. She started reading it and I said "Hey, that's the portion for Yom Kippur!" For me it felt like G-d was saying, "I still love you."
But the real consolation didn't happen until last night during a Paul Wilbur concert. It was at Grove Ave Baptist Church (Richmond, VA). There were hundreds of Believers there in the sanctuary, singing Messianic praise to Yeshua. You could feel the presence of the Ruach and the ministering angels. *sigh*
Is there anything better than singing out Messianic praise to our beloved Messiah with other like-minded Believers?
And afterward my Jewish friend there introduced me to several Messianic non-Jewish leaders. One was an African-America man who runs a small congregation in Richmond. Another was a man who runs a congregation in Roanoke, Virginia (LINK). The latter informed me that there will be a conference in Richmond, VA later this year about how to start/plant Messianic congregations!
Truly our G-d is not a Bilateralist! He is raising up places all over where Jews and Gentiles can fellowship together! Praise His Name!
It's really astounding to see G-d working at Grove Ave Baptist, literally creating a Messianic congregation in the midst of it, and allowing events like the Paul Wilbur concert, where Christians can be exposed to the Judaic Truth of the Faith. I particularly loved it when Paul Wilbur took a moment to explain that the moedim aren't just for Jews but they are G-d's appointed times. I love the way he explained it.
Gotta run, time to eat...