
Friday, December 21, 2012

How Should a Messianic Reply to a Christian Who Says "Merry Christmas!"?

You should definitely say Merry Christmas if someone says Merry Christmas to you.  We don't want to be known as the movement of jerks.  Remember that honey attracts more flies than vinegar.

Want to tell Christians about the pagan origins of Christmas?  Perhaps you should consider (just consider) biting your tongue.  Why?  Because we are to be as wise as serpents (and harmless as doves).  The wise course of action is avoid conflict (when possible) and use the most persuasive means of communication available.

The most persuasive way to communicate the truth to a Christian is to (1) live a life of chesed; (2) celebrate the customs of Judaism!  People want to attend a Passover seder with the guy who happily invites them to attend;  people never want to attend a seder with the guy who tells them that anyone who doesn't celebrate Passover is deceived.


  1. Yesterday I called to wish my brother (who has been attending a Messianic Synagogue) a "merry Christmas" and he half laughed and said "thank you". I knew something was weird and and questioned him why the change? He was evasive and seemed to enjoy the questioning. It upset me to the point I could hardly enjoy the time spent with my family all day. I googled it this morning and found your site. He must have been laughing at me, thinking he was the superior one. I told him I was going to call his Rabbi to find out if this behavior came from his Messianic belief system that he has now adopted. I now know that it did and does. I am a gentile who accepted Jesus Christ at a young age and have brought my children up in the fear and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ. I go to "church" not a "synagogue". I guess that is a bad word to you too. "church" My husband is a "Christian" too and so are all my children. My son is attending a Bible school. But now it seems that is all "dirty" in your eyes. This is shocking shocking shocking. And sad that saying two simple words has become something so devisive.

    1. Pear,

      I'm sorry that happened. I would encourage you to talk to him first.

      I attend a church and the people are friendly. I used to go to a Messianic synagogue that belonged to the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. I found that there were some friendly people there, some not so friendly. It's like that everywhere.

      Sometimes Jewish Roots Believers get a little...over-defensive. They feel like Christianity has lied to them about a lot of things. Sometimes they, unfairly, take their frustration out on Christians. Just pray for them to heal and to have a spirit of love and gentleness.

      I love Christians. I go to a church. I also practice Orthodox Messianic Judaism. My faith actually helps me to love them more! But I worry that sometimes someone might construe my practices as rude. For example, if I don't go to the pork barbecue, I don't intend it to be rude. It's simply that my wife and I don't eat pork. And even though we feel that gentiles shouldn't eat pork, we don't let that stop us from loving them. We ALL fall short of the glory. I'm in no position to judge anyone. When I criticize a person or organization it's usually because I think they're doing something hurtful and I want to protect and help the victims of such teachings.

      Hmm, I'll try to do a post about this later. It's important to discuss the need for gentleness and HOW a Messianic can be gentle to Christians.

  2. Do you think that by refusing to say these words you are furthering the cause of Christ or do you think acting in this manner might cause more confusion?

    I would think that anyone encountering this polite but obvious refusal to say those "two words" would only be confused and think perhaps you might be Muslim or Jehovah Witness----until you "EXPLAINED".
    But, if you want to be aligned with Obama and his crew, you are falling right in line for I am sure he wants to abolish those two words as well.

    1. Pear,

      I think Christmas is pagan. But I don't have a problem wishing someone "Merry Christmas."

      For the record, Obama hates Israel. So I'm in no way supportive of him. This is a pro-Zionist blog.

  3. I'm Messianic and have converted from mainstream Christianity and it's so awkward to say Merry Christmas when I don't celebrate it. If you say you don't celebrate it looks like your a satinist it something so I have no idea how to act. This is the first year we are fully all in in the past we would feel guilty celebrating because we always knew it was wrong and we celebrate Hanukkah. Any advice would be welcomed from another messianic on how you handle it.

    1. are you on facebook by any chance? I'd love to connect with you there and further this conversation. I know where you're coming from. We've been on this journey for almost 3 years now my husband and I spend our entire lives doing ALL the holidays and traditions...I was raised Roman Catholic and my husband was raised mainstream Christian. Through prayer, studying and holy spirit conviction...we were led to stop celebrating all the mainstream holidays and focus on the biblical feasts in order to grow in our understanding of who Christ was and is...It's been such an amazing journey but it hasn't come without its conflicts and uncomfortable moments with family who would call us religious fanatics and willingly being put under the law...its been sad but through "LIVING OUT LOUD" sort of speak...they have seen our change and growth and have in the past 5,6 months come around to call and check up on us again. Keep moving forward sister. Follow the Lord with your whole heart and let His light and spirit shine out of you.
