
Friday, May 3, 2013

Female Rabbis and the Girly Men Who Love Them

So I've already blogged about why Orthodox Jews and Paul disapprove of female rabbis (CLICK HERE FOR LINK).  The UMJC, contrary to Paul and Orthodox Judaism, thinks it's a FABULOUS idea (I wish there was a way to change the font for "fabulous" so that it sparkles and glitters).

Here's a leader of the UMJC, a so-called rabbi, who explains why it's a good idea to completely reverse the natural order of creation:



  1. I actually agree with him on many points, I am not strictly opposed to women in leadership.

    1. What are your thoughts about female rabbis? I'm all for women leaders. But the issue here is with female rabbis.

    2. What are your thoughts about female rabbis? I'm all for women leaders. But the issue here is with female rabbis.

      I am not so quick to discount it... as long as there is a council of men involved.

    3. So then, obviously, I have to ask you how you interpret this verse:

      "11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety," (1 Timothy 2:11-15)

    4. Better question, how does one interpret THIS verse: "women will be saved through childbearing — if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety"?

  2. Only a gentile woman who underwent circumcision can become a Messianic Rabbi. You know, like Derek Leman.....

    Rebyosh, the writer is the Rabbi of Ahavat Zion in Beverly Hills where the just love Gentiles.....

    1. Rebyosh, the writer is the Rabbi of Ahavat Zion in Beverly Hills where the just love Gentiles.....


  3. You've reached a new low with this one Peter, not for disagreeing with Joshua Brumbach, but for denigrating another believer with that "girly man" comment. That only works on Saturday Night Live when parodying Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    1. I think the "girly men" comment is pretty funny actually.

      : )

    2. You would, which pretty much makes my point.

    3. Anonymous,

      It's effeminate for a man to learn in subjection to a woman in a congregational setting--that's Paul's message. So, yeah, "girly men" fits just fine.

      Your problem is with Paul, not me.

    4. No, I'm fine with Paul. However, I think your interpretation of scripture and it resulting calling a fellow believer by a denigrating name means you may have a few issues that need ironing out.

    5. Anonymous,

      If a man allows a woman to usurp his G-d-given male authority, is he acting manly?

    6. I'm less concerned about what Brumbach or anyone else thinks about women and the ministry than I am about your need to denigrate them. There's a difference between disagreeing someone based on your understanding of the Bible and feeling the need to insult them. I know you'll defend your right to do so because of your own issues, but the question to ask is whether or not you made the world a better place and acted for the sake of Heaven by calling someone a name?

    7. James--I mean "Anonymous"--nice job dodging the question. I'll take that as a sign that I asked the right question.

    8. I won't deny who I am, Peter since you've done a bit of detective work. On the other hand, you're the one dodging the matter. You think the ends justifies the means. I could say more, but believe it or not, I have no desire to embarrass you. Once you learn to stop being so threatened, you won't need to be so hostile. May that day come soon. Bye.

    9. Re: "detective work"

      Twas elementary, my dear watson. : )

      Hmm... you still didn't answer the question! That's amazing!

  4. This is a topic that much of evangelical Christianity is presently debating. Two Views on Women in Ministry by Zondervan is an excellent place to start, to get some familiarity with multiple sides of the debate.

    1. Here is a good article by Walter Kaiser on women in ministry:

  5. Here is also a good read:
    The Role of Women in the Messianic Assembly

    This paper explores the role of women in the Torah community from the perspective of the Apostolic Scriptures, giving particular attention to the passages that have been traditionally interpreted negatively toward women.

    1. Would love to read it but the link doesn't work

    2. Someone was nice enough to email a pdf of the Hegg article. Good stuff. I especially liked this quote:

      "My argument is simply this: to put a woman in the place of authority in the Messianic Assembly, (i.e., over men), runs the risk of confusing the very illustration that marriage gives of Messiah and His Kehilah. If she is an authority in the Messianic Assembly, is she not also in the home? And if this is true, how is her marriage a picture of Messiah and the Messianic Assembly (Eph 5:25ff, especially v. 32)? Thus, what I believe Paul prohibits is a woman filling the position of an official teacher in the Messianic Assembly (i.e., and Overseer), a teacher who functions as regularly leading the body to the authoritative Apostolic doctrine, a leader in which there is vested authority," [from The Role of Women in the Messianic Assembly by Tim Hegg]

  6. You are wrong Peter...

    We are married for 40 years and in 39 of them my wife has the authority....LOL! So far the marriage is working wonderful....

  7. On the two blog posts from May 3, the one that was hundreds of times less important, and is far from being a salvation issue, is the one that got more attention...

  8. Here is a resource on the topic virtually none of today's Messianic people (save maybe one or two) have the guts to consider reading:

    This is *the* book that lays forward the scholastic case for women in ministry. Dare not read this if you have no Greek comprehension...
