
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Update to Previous Post Per Rudolph's Request

I thought the previous post was fair given that I asked the readers to listen to Rudolph's message.  But he felt I should've added the following bit of context from his sermon:

On one occasion, a Gentile woman appealed to Yeshua for help. The Messiah’s reply tells us much about the commitment he had to his mission....Yeshua answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:21-24).
The text goes on to tell us that the Gentile woman didn’t accept No for an answer, and in holy chutzpah she pleaded to Yeshua for help. Yeshua eventually acknowledged her impressive faith and granted her request. May all of us learn to persevere in our coming before the Lord as she did! Though Yeshua granted her request, the fact remains that he reluctantly did so. Why was this?  As Yeshua said to her, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” This was his mission.But did that mean Yeshua did not care about the woman? That he lacked compassion for the Gentile world? Far from it! Yeshua had a plan to reach the hundreds of people groups around the world, but only later, after he had gone to his own people. Yeshua’s plan was that, after his death and resurrection, some of his shlichim would continue his mission to fellow Jews while others, like Paul and Barnabas, would go to the Gentiles.Paul describes the dual mission that existed in his own day. He writes in Galatians 2:8-9:For God, who was at work in the ministry of Peter as an apostle to the Jews, was also at work in my ministry as an apostle to the Gentiles. James, Peter and John, those reputed to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the Jews. So, is it okay to have a Chinese church? Absolutely. This is the way Hashem works. He calls different people and different communities to bring his besorah (his good news) to different ethnic groups, beginning with his people Israel.


  1. "He calls different people and different communities to bring his besorah (his good news) to different ethnic groups, beginning with his people Israel."

    But He did not have different version of the Besorah for different ethnic groups....And that is exactly what Rudolph wants us to believe....

  2. Shalom.
    I have come to understand that all people should become spiritually joined into the house of Israel in order for Yeshua to be their Messiah. This is initially started at the spiritual regeneration when somebody becomes a believer and receives a status of ger. Ger is obligated to keep certain commandments as the sages and the Halakha of the Slichim in Acts 15. tells us.
    They are to advance in the Way of the Torah gradually, as HaShem dictates in individual cases and gives light.

    1. Shalom, friend. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Yes, I also believe that non-Jews join Israel and that G-d is slowly giving the non-Jews a heart for His Torah. It's a tough life for non-jews, not always being welcome by the Messianic Jews (but sometimes). But He will be coming back soon and will wipe away every tear.

      G-d bless you! : )
